Saturday, December 24, 2011

1st Semester Review

So my first semester of college is done and over with. :) I'm really glad about how everything turned out: the roommates, the classes, the new friendships. I experienced alot of new things and it was great for the most part. Starting with my roommates, I began the year with two of them, Travis and Donny. As our hall's (3rd Floor West!) Bible Studies took place, I slowly learned how awesome these two are. Travis is one of those few that simply can get along with anyone. He's chill and almost nothing bothers him. It is a blessing to have a guy like him to keep me lifted up without him saying a word; his actions do it all. Donny is definitely one of the wisest people I know now. It is amazing how much he knows about the Word, and how to live it out. I love knowing that I can go to him when I need guidance or simply encouragement. About two months in, Donny got married. BUT, he was our roommate and will always be a guy that I plan to keep in touch with during school.

As for the classes, they were alright. I did not struggle with any, and it was nice to have professors that were, for the most part, intentional about relationships with students. I look forward to the future relationships I have with my profs. I am glad to say that I passed my first semester with a 3.4 gpa...could easily be 3.6, but oh well.

Enough about class, my friendships are probably the highlights of this first semester. During the first week, my prayer over the summer completely paid off (Thank you, God). All of the guys in my hall jelled very well. We get along and there are quite a few that I could easily see myself having serious conversations with. It all started with our amazing R.A. Mitchell Horn. He was so intentional about getting to know each other and beginning these new friendships. Thanks to that, I stepped out of my natural laid back (or shyness ;)) in order to make these new friendships. This next semester is going to be awesome to see how we continue to dive into each other's lives. My prayer is that I begin this one as I did the last, but also continue that prayerfulness and desire to include God in our relationships throughout the semester.

And that leads me to my specific highlights of my first semester. My first is that I struggled down the stretch with keeping up with devotions and also staying focused on God at all times. The beginning of the year was great in how I was able to think about Christ throughout the day. Toward the end of this semester I began to do devotions and then not think about Him the rest of the day.

My second highlight was that of the Junior High guys I got to make friendships with. I am helping teach a 7th grade Sunday school class and lead a Wednesday night 8th grade small group. I LOVE it!!! The 7th graders I already knew, but meeting these 8th graders was awesome. They all attend the school I attended and are exactly the way my friends and I were in 8th grade: sports is all that matters. My prayer is that for the 8th graders, we can begin to dive in more and become more personal with each other. Of course, if that does not happen, I know its not in God's timing right now and that we will simply use this time to better our foundations with each other. My prayer for the 7th graders is that they would begin to see me more as a teacher than the friend that they have always known me as. I will begin teaching alot more this next semester, can't wait!

My third, final, and greatest highlight of the semester was spent on a Sunday afternoon, in front of the tv, eating lunch, with my dad :). It had gotten to the point in my life that I needed to let my dad know how much I love him and how much I've been praying for him. He knew I wanted to talk but was not sure why. When I started telling him why, after about 2 or 3 sentences, he took over the conversation. It was incredible how he simply filled in all the grey areas of his life that I had never heard about. He was incredibly vulnerable with me, and I am forever grateful for that. Since our conversation, I have talked some with him to this level, but not much. A final prayer is that I begin to start a consistent time of keeping up with him and his spiritual level.

God has started alot this first semester, and I cannot wait to see what He does in the second!

Friday, August 5, 2011

tooo long...

So its been too long since i last blogged. new one coming soon!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Spring Break: Clearwater Beach (Wednesday)

Woke to a b-e-a-u-tiful day! the sun was shining and we were ready to go to da beach.

Drove to Clearwater Beach just after lunch. At the beach, played some frisbee, football, read, swam, chilled, played guitar, walked along beach, watched the people (girls...but didnt stare of course). It was a fantastic day to chill and get burnt :). After about 4-5 hours we came back, burnt and all. Then at home, i made some dinner, pizza. It turned out well and we all enjoyed it. I think im gonna open up my restaurant. Before bed, we watched Batman Forever. It was a fantastic chill day.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Spring Break: Innisbrook, FL (Tuesday)

So we woke up to rain. Thunder and rain. How exciting!?! We decided our day was to be spent in Tampa. We had some breakfast, i read some and then we left for the International Plaza in Tampa. While there, we visited several stores, and each of us bought some clothes. I bought a needed flannel shirt and in my opinion, Adam spent too much :). Lunch was good. Then we walked more around the mall. After getting back, Adam cooked dinner. We had pigs in blanket, mac and cheese, watermelon. He did a very good job and we all enjoyed it. Afterwards, we played basketball and some of us chickened away from our opportunity to ask some girls to play with us. We basically chilled the rest of the night, back at the condo. It was yet another good and relaxing day.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring Break: Innisbrook, FL (Monday)

our first full day in florida.

I'm pretty sure i can speak for all us by saying that we had a great nights sleep.

For our morning, we chilled and then left to buy our groceries for our week here. On the way there, we were cursed at, flipped off, and lost our pass to get back into the resort. It was quite exciting. Thankfully, our groceries were $14 under our budget :). We rock. We had lunch back at the condo and then played some basketball and swam. It was re-FREAKING-freshing. The weather was perfect and we all enjoyed it. Then, we chilled. Read some book, played guitar (not me, cuz im not that talented...yet), took nap.

THEN, Taylor cooked :). The main dish -spaghetti and meatballs- was served with a side dish -garlic bread- To say the least, we enjoyed it. thoroughly. Taylor, you did a great job! after dinner, we played some cards, listened to music, and watched the national championship. It was a good day.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Break: Nashville-Innisbrook, FL (Sunday)


This was our travel day. We woke up at 4 a.m. central time, because we were in Tennessee. We left around 4:30 after we showered and got dressed. At 7:20 a.m. we reached Georgia. We really didnt do anything productive until breakfast. Basically slept until then and after breakfast, we had church. Church consisted of lots of worship, sharing some verses, and lots of worship. We basically had that until lunch, which was around noon. After lunch, we reached Florida around 2 p.m. And then, we hit some traffic. It wasn't terrible but it was enough. Each time we had to go slow was because of accidents. There were about 3. About 5 p.m. we reached Innisbrook. At first, we were kinda lost at the resort but eventually found the clubhouse and then condo, which is...AWESOME. It is big too :). Later, i discovered that i have misplaced my ipod and it may be lost. Last night, we chilled and played some cards after supper. Finally, we went to bed, which was so relaxing.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Break: Nashville (Saturday)

Our Saturday plans were for TAWG, lunch with Taylor's friend at coffee house, Country Music Hall of Fame, Hard Rock Cafe, and walking around downtown.

this was an amazing time. we found this great park, that was HUGE. spent an hour chillin with God and admiring His Beautiful Creation. it truly is Great. and....the day was beautiful! we hung out at the park for about 2 hours playing frisbee and tossin the football around too.

Lunch with Taylor's Friend:
after the park we went to a couple blocks right near the University of Vanderbilt. there were several small stores there and couple of places to eat at. we went to a bookstore, art store and a Posh. At Posh, Adam found some sweet PF Flyers and i found a jacket, very cheap of course :). after that, we met Taylor's friend at a coffee house called Fido. it was great food.

Country Music Hall of Fame:
Tim really seemed to enjoy this one. i'm not a big fan of country, but it was pretty fun. it was cool to see all the accomplishments of some pretty talented music artists.

Hard Rock Cafe:
Definitely high of day, was the night. I mean....who doesn't like to eat? :) just thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with the guys

Walking Downtown:
minus some of the inappropriate behavior, this was alot of fun. we checked out a boot store which was pretty cool. just walked around and took in all the lights and everything that was happening.

very fun day, seeing city of Nashville..would i do it again? definitely the park and Hard Rock, probably not the city. i really enjoyed it but not my kind of people :)