Friday, May 28, 2010

A simple question.

So this morning started a little rough. Let's just say God was not at the center of things, where he ought to be. Thinking about this morning, i asked myself - "If someone were to ask me how my day was, what would i say?" My first response would of been - "i feel like crap." As i thought more, i realized even though i started slow, God quickly regained control. Heres how:

-God created this earth
-God created us
-God created everything in and on this earth

Because of my birthplace, i can experience His Love for us. i have a roof over my head EVERYDAY. i have a bed to sleep in EVERYDAY. i have food to eat EVERYDAY. i have clothes to wear EVERYDAY. i am healthy EVERYDAY (well almost...). i am loved by my family EVERYDAY. i have hope EVERYDAY. Jesus died for our sins, i have forgiveness EVERYDAY.

If i were born in the Mathare Slums of Kenya or Cap Haitian, Haiti or El Millon, Mexico or Nepal or the Democratic Republic of Congo or Rwanda or many others, then i would have none of these. i would not have a roof, bed, food, clothes, health, love, hope, and knowledge of forgiveness EVERYDAY. Because of where i was born, i know that i am saved. The least i can do is not complain and praise my creator EVERYDAY!!! Thank You, God! You are great!