Monday, January 25, 2010


Sell everything you have and give it to the poor.

Right now God has been molding me in many different areas. God is shaping me by how I judge others and my first impressions of them. In many situations I would look at another persons life and try to find out what they need to fix. Everytime I would do this, Satan would take the initiative to attack me in some way. I used to look at my father negatively and never would give him a chance. God has shown me through his word that love overcomes. Numerous times my father seemed as if he did not want it, he did not desire to go to church or pursue what God has to offer. I would look at that and try to find ways to talk to him or influence him that he is wrong in this. So many times I would realize this is the wrong step and I would be reminded of God's love. I was tired of looking at him so negatively that I decided to look positively into his life. Since my change of view, my dad has seemed to be in a better mood and I feel much more love in our family. I was reminded to love others and love God.

Another area God has shaped me is with "sell everything you have and give it to the poor". I started reading Irresitable Revolution by Shane Claiborne. It is about his life and his encounters with desiring to be radical christian for God. So many times we go to church, give to the needy when it makes world news, and do "good things" to make ourselves feel good. God calls us to LOVE, to give to the needy all the time. Everything is this world is not mine, it is all His.

"You guys are all into that born again thing, which is great. We do need to be born again, since Jesus said that to a guy named Nicodemus. But if you tell me I have to be born again to enter the kingdom of God. I can tell you that you have to sell everything you have and give it to the poor, because Jesus said that to one guy too." - Rich Mullins

So as i look at my life and decide if what i am doing is enough, i am always reminded that it is not. Nothing in this world is mine, so why do i still try to hold on to things. Jesus said sell EVERYTHING i have, as a christian am i willing to step up and be that radical for Him or will i fade away. Giving up the judging, the worries of what others think when i do something Christlike, and my possessions is what a true radical does.